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Steam Sale is permanent from now on

Steam Sale is permanent from now on

For many players, Steam Sales are the most anticipated highlights of the year. During the multiple events that take place throughout the year, thousands of games on Valve’s distributional platform Steam are labelled with discounts of up to 95%. Meaning that the newest Assassin’s Creed game and Fallout 4 suddenly cost less than 30 euros, not to mention the countless indie games that will cost you just as much as two scoops of ice cream. Now Valve reacts accordingly to the incredible feedback of the players: From now on, the Steam Sale will never expire again. Valve announced this surprising statement today in an urgent press release.

“We believe that lower prices will boost the whole market for PC games. Every Steam Sale created enormous enthusiasm on the players’ side and huge sales on the developers’ side.”

Over 10,000 games are now available at greatly reduced prices. This means: Every single game in the catalogue now costs less than ever before: You can save up to 95%, but at least 25% on every game. Every DLC has a fixed discount of 50 percent. This change comes into effect immediately, although you might not be noticing it straightaway. New prices are not labelled with a green banner, as usually, but they will simply replace the old values instead. If the now-75%-reduced, therefore costing 4.99 € Far Cry 3 were to go on sale with a 90% discount, the game will only cost 0.49 €. Golden days for PC gamers!

And there’s no escape for sellers: Every developer and publisher that distributes their games via Steam, will be forced to participate in the permanent Steam Sale. That’s what Valve predefined in their completely overhauled terms of use. The US-American company gave the following reasoning for the changes:

„The right of many to receive discounts outweighs the individual’s right of profit.”

If a company declines offering its games for at least 20% less, it will get kicked out of Steam.

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