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Rocket League: Car driver arrested for driving under influence

Rocket League: Car driver arrested for driving under influence

“License and registration, please” – upon hearing this sentence the 23 years old driver knew that he would not be seeing said documents for a very long time. Police stopped the adolescent in Rocket League while he was not driving, but rather swaying about his “Breakout” car at full speed. Thus far we know that the driver was performing maneuvers while trying to carry a huge football into an oversized goal. He was driving up walls and practicing breakneck leaps. Eye witnesses even report that temporarily flames were shooting from the rear of the vehicle.

Of course the police were coming as soon as possible after receiving several emergency calls and stopped the speeder in the arena for six players, before – after several collisions – somebody could actually get seriously hurt. A quick alcohol test was enough to arrest the twenty-three-year-old.

He [the driver, editor’s note] not only exceeded the speed limit by a distinct amount, but also moved in unpredictable patterns, even along the walls, and therefore endangered the other road users.”

A blood test, quickly imposed by a judge, revealed a tremendous BAC of 0.20 per cent. That is why the 23-year-old will definitely be punished as rigorously as possible.

“Regarding the extremely high blood alcohol concentration we surely aren’t talking about frivolity in this case, this was a deliberate crime. We support a jail sentence.”

Another indication that it was not just an “accident” is that the man was playing a competitive match.

Right now, a final verdict is not set in stone, but the probable alcohol addict will certainly not be driving for a long, long time. His license has already been confiscated and deducted. Depending on the court decision it might stay like this for several years. Also, a jail sentence is within the realms of possibility.

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